In July 2023…

Meet DOSO.

Life as Startup Taranaki was awesome. But we’d expanded beyond typical notions of “startup”, and our reach extended past Taranaki’s borders. We realised it was time to Do Something.

Putting time, energy, expertise and resources into helping early stage innovators in Taranaki is totally our jam.

But the entrepreneurial skills we teach, and the design thinking tools we share, can be transformational for virtually every endeavour – even inside large corporations, NGOs and government agencies.

When we sat down to define what we, as innovation enablers and capability builders, offer to motivated visionaries in Taranaki and beyond, our purpose became clear.

How people identify themselves is not our business. Where they’re located is not our concern. Startup or not, what we care about is whether we can help them DO SOmething. Something innovative, something exciting, something that changes the world – at least for them, if not for us all.

Can we help you do something?